Review your Marketing Automation Readiness, install Marketo, build advanced assets, 60hs of virtual assistance, 2x seats on our public hands-on Marketo Essentials training courses.
1. A Marketing Automation Readiness Audit. This allows us to ensure what we are planning on building is right for you. Our thorough review has four core areas: a) your existing data, b) your existing systems, c) your digital marketing plans, goals and channels, and d) your people and existing processes.
2. Setup of Marketo: alongside your present IT systems such as email servers, website, CRM, etc.
3. Data import - either i) initial bulk upload via comma separated file or ii) integration with your CRM system. We will review your data needs and make a decision on the effort required.
4. Installation of 'Enterprise' email and landing page templates including 1x Fully-Customised Advanced Landing Page Template, 1x Fully-Customised Styled Marketo Form, 6x Fully-Customised Advanced Email Templates, 1x Fully-Customised Advanced Newsletter Template and a 1.5h Education Session on how to use all of this.
5. 60 hours of expert support. Use these for whatever you need - supporting your campaign execution needs inside of Marketo & across your other systems. Eventually, we'll be handing the reins over to you for the day-to-day activity. You can draw down on these hours for any assistance you need – integration, campaign execution, HTML assistance, project advice, troubleshooting, deciphering results, building assets, checking your smart lists, presenting to senior management, reporting, etc. The extra hours on this pack will enable advanced education and for your team to build and manage your own digital templates, landing pages, forms, nurture flows - and align sales & marketing by setting up lead scoring.